Many pictures in the sections of this website are taken from the book "Villeneuve, a racing legend" by Allan De La Plante. All the pictures in the book are property of which kindly permitted us their publication.
We are grateful to
Actualfoto photo agency and Mr. Roberto Piccinini, which permitted us the publication of some pictures of their own property.
The pictures showed in the website were taken from these publications:
• "Villeneuve, a racing legend" by Allan De La Plante, 1995 Turn Five Inc, Aylmer (Québec) - Canada
• "Gilles vivo" by Cesare De Agostini, 1983 Conti editor, San Lazzaro di Savena (BO) - Italy
• "Gilles fra mito e leggenda" by Silvio Rossi, 1983 Forte editor, Milan - Italy
• "Gilles et Jacques, les Villeneuve et moi" by Pierre Lecours, Stanké edition (Québec) - Canada
• "Formula Ferrari 1948 - 2002", by Paolo D'Alessio, S.E.P. srl edition, Cassina De Pecchi (MI) - Italy
The biography was taken from:
• "Gilles Villeneuve la vita di un pilota leggendario" by Gerald Donaldson, 1990 Giorgio Nada editor,
Milan - Italy
The statistics and the race results were taken from this publication:
• "F.1 - 33 anni di Gran Premi iridati" by Gianni Cancellieri/Cesare De Agostini, 1982 Conti editor,
San Lazzaro di Savena (BO) - Italy
Others and various mentions were taken from:
• "Gilles Villeneuve" from "I grandi dello sport" by Nestore Morosini, 1982 FOR-VEM edition, Milan - Italy
• "La cometa Gilles" by Enzo Russo, 1983 Edis edition, Milan - Italy
• Autosprint, Conti editor, San Lazzaro di Savena (BO) - Italy
• Rombo, Edis edition, Milan - Italy
Some of the images here have been borrowed from the web by other websites. If anyone objects to me using them on these pages, please let me know at
Fabrizio Amato

Bruno Majuri

English translation
Martina Pasquale

English translation
Linda Foglia

French translation
Maria Genta

French translation